Tag / perfomance art curating
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From each concept (SPACE /OBJECT /BODY), the artist created an individual work that was related and intertwined to the others. The first residency worked with the concept of SPACE. Afterwards, within this…
26 May 2018
EMPREMTA festival internacional de performance 2017
SALT_RUBBLE_MUD 3 materials _ 3 days _ 6 artists For this edition of EMPREMTA festival internacional de performance we move the artistic proposals towards the matter and its personal and social connotations.…
20 May 2017
EMPREMTA festival internacional de performance 2015
Empremta is a Performance Art encounter of heterogeneous and experimental nature. Empremta is born as residue and trace of the action, of the gesture, at the instance of leaving ephemeral evidence. We…
07 March 2015