Invited to participate in Riga Performance Festival STARPTELPA, Riga (Latvia)

with the site-specific performance don’t stop talking about… developed from a ritual sense of time-space and a radical listening of/on the site. The memory of the bodies and the memory harvested in the space become the symphony of pulsations that spark the action. The spectacle of genocide gazes back at its spectators.

Riga Performance Festival STARPTELPA is an annual international art and culture event focused primarily on performance art, yet also supporting cross-disciplinary and experimental synthesis of performative arts. The aim of the festival is to strengthen the position of performance art as a sovereign form of art, fighting against its constant ghettoization in the arts and culture ecosystem. In the increasingly alienated contemporary society, a dialogic and communication-driven art should be seen as a powerful tool not only enriching and diversifying the arts field, but also providing an opportunity to expose audiences to thought-provoking and empathy-encouraging experiences.

Curator: Laine Kristberga