Immersion into the world of performance art from our understanding of life based on Subversive love and eXtreme Care. A work will begin from the body as a space (of life/primal). The body as a welcoming and/or inhospitable space, as land, as a home, as a place. It is from this corporality (as its own space) that the sensitivity and understanding of the other spaces arise. On this occasion we will work emphasizing the city and its rhythms.
Tools will be given to develop individual and community activations, understanding that the space we occupy/inhabit determines all other spaces (body-places) and vice versa. It works from eXtreme listening exercises identifying and reconstructing body memory as a political-affective geography. The recognition of the other and of being in a heterogeneous community is explored through the activation of multiple internal/external spaces. The co-creation of interventions will emerge from this exploration of empowerment with our bodies, energies and imaginaries.

Workshop in CC Can Felipa (Barcelona)