Invited to carry out a life and art residency in natural aqueous/liquid environments of Catalonia (Spain). We will carry out site-specific photo performance and video performance based on the following starting points and horizons:

Art actions will be developed from a ritual sense of time-space and a radical listening of/on the site. Through this understanding and research we will create the preparation and consequent presentation of the performances for the camera. The memory of the bodies and the memory harvested in the space become the symphony of pulsations that spark the action. The materiality that is present in the place given is understood as another matter-spirit that encounters our own in a dialogue of bodies, where layers of affect-effect are constantly produced from this encountering. Human/nature; subject/object; presence/absence; communal/individual are some of the binaries that become blurred.

We will create a pluriverse of signs and symbols rooted in the philosophy and poetry of subversive love and extreme care. We will seek to feel and think with the waters as water subjects that we are, appealing to our interspecies respons-ability. The porosity, fluidity and wateriness of our beings is not metaphorical, it is physical, chemical and political. We are shaped by the spaces inhabited and the relationships established with humans and non-humans. We are affected and affecting everything around us since our bodies are breathing membranes and not unbreakable borders. Our watery constitution allows for this constant exchange and metamorphosis. Our bodies of water are intertwined with other bodies of water that inhabit this planet.