We participate of the International Forum of Performance Art exhibition with the video performance SUSTANCIA ALKIMIYA (link here, open from 27-29 September 2024) and live at Emphasis center of contemporary art, Drama (Greece).

The theme of the 6th IFPA is “Utopias: the topology of the impossible”.

“…So how does art capture utopia, this lack of a specific place? How does the body search for its new “spatiality of position”? In the 6th forum with theoretical insistence and artistic reflexive practice we will converse with the ontology of the media in search of the existential truth of the new subject that the digital media era “constructs” to produce critical thinking towards the new biopolitical reality to find methods of conflict with the biopower of neoliberalism. Because another utopia is possible”.

Curators: Yannis Mitrou and Vicky Konstantinidou.