Invited to participate as central artists of the exhibition FLUX festival vídeo d’autor 2024 at Can Felipa and Convent Sant Agustí in Barcelona (Spain).

We will present the video performance piece X, created especially for this exhibition, together with a selection of unpublished and/or re-edited video performances and documentation of live performances carried out over the years.

This is the 19th edition of the FLUX video festival, which has been characterised since its inception by focusing on authors working in the field of creative video (video art, creative documentaries, video installations, etc.).
FLUX focuses its protagonism on video authors and offers them a space to make their work known.
This promotion of the authors’ knowledge is carried out in different ways, including the commision of a video production and the  documentation of their work.
This 19th edition is marked by the loss of Lis Costa, co-director of the festival since its foundation, who died in June 2023. The void left by her is filled by her inspiring presence.

information of the solo exhibition session on 21st December, 18:00h>

festival’s full program>

Curators: Josep M. Jordana and Lis Costa.

2024_07:11 min
Site: Home.
Technical support: AOUCH.Lab, Joana Moher and Álvaro Muñozledo.
Production: Flux festival, Habitual Video Team

deshidratación / hidratación
aridez / humedad

viene y vive la grieta
sequedad del flujo,
la hidratan
derretimiento, fusión,
despojo, intimidad,
caricias moleculares

elasticidad del tiempo
devenir multitemporal
(in) constancia
membrana porosa
supernova burbujeante

comunidades de afectaciones
microorganísmicas, multisensoriales
movimiento y expansión
sequedad y absorción
vivir en la nada y transitar en el todo

se disuelve la noción de individualidad
ser humano: ni es ser, ni es humano
huellas identitarias se acarician
capas de pieles se rozan
piel muerta / piel viva
ecosistemas complejos de seres en relación

somos fronteras quebrantables
sólidas, líquidas, gaseosas
poros que respiran
afuera y adentro es un mismo lugar
campos fértiles de afectos
en constante cambio y transformación

las multitudes que somos
biomas haciendo el amor