3 materials _ 3 days _ 6 artists
For this edition of EMPREMTA festival internacional de performance we move the artistic proposals towards the matter and its personal and social connotations.
Each artist works with a specific material, offering different and diverse perspectives that are born from her/his personal approach to it.
The matter speaks to and with the bodies. For each day, one material. From this materiality each artist will be immersed in it through her/his individual journey and particular enquiry. Two artistic proposals will be united by a same material, on a same day and in a same space.
At the space of industrial Catalonia, MATERIC.ORG works as the matrix of these proposals. Located in the neighbourhood of Sta. Eulàlia (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat), the industrial and labour engine surrounding Barcelona, this environment offers itself as a common thread for each day, proposal, and material.
Body and matter, are and coexist.

EMPREMTA 2015 artists: Melina Peña, Kubra Khademi, Miguel Andrés, Lucho Hermosilla, Lesley Yendell and Begoña Grande

Direction: Isil Sol Vil x Marina Barsy Janer
Image: Marta Lodola
Artist assistance: Júlia Edo and Júlia Sánchez
In collaboration with: MATERIC.ORG -espacio de creación y pedagogía radical

video summary EMPREMTA 2017

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